Would you like to save time using Templates on Microsoft Outlook?
Last week I told you how to insure replies were sent to multiple people.
Hendrik Delagrange had this to say: “I immediately tried to ‘save’ this reply-to-more-addresses option in a Microsoft Outlook template, which works. So we can make another button for this type of message too, which might come in handy when you are sending from the office but want the replies to go (also to) say a personal mail address.”
To save a form, you need to use the Outlook editor:
Choosing Microsoft Outlook Editor on the Fly:
Occasionally you may need to use Microsoft Outlook’s editor when you normally use Word, such as to create a Microsoft Outlook template. You can go to Tools, Options, Mail format and enable or disable Word as your editor or use the Actions menu (when in any mail folder) to open a new message form using the Outlook editor.
From the Actions, New Mail Message Using menu, select Microsoft Outlook (HTML) (or Microsoft Word (HTML), if the Microsoft Outlook editor is your default). If you want to use plain text or RTF formatting, you’ll need to change the format once the new message form is open.
Depending on what other Microsoft Office programs you have installed, other choices on the Actions menu will open the programs with the Microsoft Office envelope turned on. When you are in non-mail folders, the Actions menu contains appropriate actions for the folder type.
Accessing templates and forms:
Almost everyone knows about Tools, Forms, Choose Form and browsing for a form or template. When you’re choosing a template, it’s almost as fast to use Windows Explorer and browse for templates.
Forms published to a folder will be listed on the Actions menu in that folder. For example, publish a custom task form and when you are in the Tasks folder, you can select the form from the Actions menu.
Templates can be copied from the Windows file system to a folder in Microsoft Outlook. Or drag the template to the Microsoft Outlook bar. Double click the template and a new item opens, just like it does from the file system. (In Microsoft Outlook 2003, drag it to the Shortcut section of the Navigation Pane.)
You can create a toolbar button and hyperlink to the template. Select Tools, Customize and drag a button to a toolbar. Right click on the new button and choose hyperlink from the bottom of the menu. Type the path or browse for the template, change the button name and image and you’re done. (Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003 only)